Monday 11 October 2010

Lesson 6 - Three's a Crowd

You know those situations where you find yourself mediating between two parties, or feel like the rope in other peoples tug-of-war? Somehow you know you are crucial to the situation, but at the same time it may be a situation you would rather not be a part of at all. This sense of being torn in two is one aspect of the Threes. The other is that it is you that is placed between two situations from which you have to choose, possibly even two different directions, and isn't it nice to have that option? Determining which of these interpretations applies to your querants situation will be indicated by the other cards in a reading, something we will come to later. For now, it's worth remembering that whatever the situation, these cards are all about opportunities and choice!

Three of Hearts - Heartfelt Choices

Three of Hearts shows that demands are being made on you emotionally and in the field of relationships, though it can also show that your own feelings are divided. It may be that you need to make a choice between two romantic partners, or that you are trying to meet the demands made on you by both your partner and your child, for example. It is also felt wherever there are divided loyalties in family situations, perhaps between your immediate and extended family, or between different groups of friends. If you find yourself being called upon to act as mediator in a situation, remember you have a choice in whether you do so or not. The best advice here would be to listen to your heart. Another meaning of the Three of Hearts is that of a birth, or to put it another way, it is the outcome of the two.

Three of Clubs - Being in Two Minds

This is the second of our Key cards. Here the suit of Clubs, and it's ruler Air, both lovers of discussion and debate, meet with the Three of choice. At it's most tangible, this card can indicate choices need to be made in respect of education, such as choosing between two colleges, but more often indicates indecision, arising from the querants ability to understand the pros and cons of both sides of a given situation. There is also a risk of worry and arguments if choices are not made. This card is Air at it's most airy and as such contains both the strengths and weaknesses of that element. It is simultaneously objective, fair and argumentative, with a tendency for procrastination.

My Interpretation of the 3 of Clubs

Three of Diamonds - Financial Decisions

The Three of Diamonds tells us that there are choices to be made in the realm of business, finance and any issues connected to our material comforts. It suggests decisions to be made regarding investments as well as outgoings. You may need to consider whether the querant is in the difficult position of having to decide which bills they can pay first, for example. It may also appear in the spread of a person seeking employment where it would suggest that they will find themselves choosing between two different offers of work, or where a person is torn between two choices of career path.

Three of Spades - Lifestyle Choices

As Spades carry the transformative power of Fire, this card can indicate choices that will make for a healthier lifestyle weighed against the client's enjoyment of all that opposes that. Anyone who has tried to lose weight or give up smoking will understand that feeling. Of course Spades also speak to us of our spirituality, so the Three may suggest a sense of being torn spiritually. An example might be that your work keeps you tied to the city but your spirit calls out for the countryside, or you may be torn between two spiritual or religious paths. I'd also suggest that most people meet a point in their life where they have to choose the lifestyle, values and beliefs which work for them, even if these go against those of the people they are closest to. This lifestyle decision is a classic Three of Spades moment. If you can recall a similar situation you will understand the energy of this card. You may also like to think about how your life might be different if you had not made the decision you did. Finally this card can also indicate energy being expended in two directions, so you may wish to advise your client of the risk of 'burn-out'.

I strongly advise you spend some time reflecting on the cards covered in this lesson and the significance of each. Can you think of times in your own life which each might apply to? Though the Threes are a little more complicated than the other cards studied so far, you will find that, an understanding of the area of options and choices will help you to guide your querant in making their own, possibly life-changing, decisions.

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